Tim Bete: writer • consultant
Tim Bete: writer • consultant
Tim Bete: writer • consultant
#1 Amazon new release in Roman Catholicism & Monasticism/Asceticism
Called to Carmel,
Called to Community
Reflections on the Carmelite Rule, Secular Constitutions, and Statutes
by Tim Bete, OCDS
Purchase paperback and Kindle editions on Amazon:
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This book is priced as low as possible to make it possible for use in formation classes.
Paperback: $6 in the US, $7 in Canada, and £5 in the UK.
Kindle: Starting at 99¢
It is also available in all countries that Amazon services.
Reader reviews:
- "I loved this book and found it very helpful!"
- "I learned so much in reading through the pages! Personally, it tied so many things together for me."
- "As the Director of Formation for our community, I can easily see the benefits of having this available to all of our community members (honestly, at all levels of formation)."
- "This would be great supplemental reading for everyone entering Carmel!"
- "Whether you have been called to Carmel or not, this book will give you an appreciation for whatever path God has called you on."
About the book
In Called to Carmel, Called to Community, Tim Bete shares his reflections on the Carmelite Rule, OCDS Constitutions, and Provincial Statutes. The book brings the governing documents to life and connects them to the writings of St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and other Carmelite Saints. Through practical examples, Bete emphasizes the power of Secular Carmelite communities and how the community helps form us in holiness. If you are called to Carmel, you are called to community!
The book is divided into 11 chapters, perfect for community formation classes or individual reading. It is excellent supplementary reading for Formation I, Year B: History & Charism (in the United States), and for visitors to your community. At the end of each chapter, there are reflection questions. All resources mentioned in the book can be found here.
About the author
Tim Bete is a Discalced Carmelite Secular and a member of the Community of Our Mother of Good Counsel in Beavercreek, Ohio, where he has served as a Formator, Council Member, and Council President. His writing has appeared in media outlets and anthologies, including Amazing Grace for the Catholic Heart, Catholic Philly, Catholic Exchange, Integrated Catholic Life, Presence: A Journal of Catholic Poetry, Apostolate of the Little Flower magazine, and The Carmel Clarion. He served on the faculty at the Catholic Imagination Conference and appears on the Carmelite Conversations Podcast, which he also helps produce. Tim has published four books, including The Raw Stillness of Heaven and Wanderings of an Ordinary Pilgrim.
© 2025, Tim Bete. All rights reserved.